Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Portrait Of A Bat

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Animals At Play
Animals At Play: Rules of the Game by Marc Bekoff teaches, informs, and entertains. It looks like a picture book; but like other well-written non-fiction for children, all ages will enjoy and learn from this story. After all, Dr. Marc Bekoff is an ethologist who co-founded the Ethical Treatment of Animals with Jane Goodall. Bekoff taught biology at the University of Colorado for 34 years. Now he travels the world to teach others including prisoners, children and senior citizens. Articles in Ranger Rick, appearances on Animal Planet and National Geographic Television are also part of his resume. He also works closely with the children in Jane Goodall’s Roots and Shoots Institute.
What is an ethologist? This scientist is a zoologist who studies animal behavior. As Marc shows in Animals At Play, animals have rules too. One thing every animal does before chasing or tumbling with his friend is to ask if the friend wants to play. Sometimes playmates will be too rough. Bekoff asks, “What do they do?” and he answers, they apologize, of course, just like you.” Part of the attraction, however, of Animals At Play is Bekoff’s effortless connection between human and animal behavior without giving the animals anthropomorphic, or human, qualities.
Looking at the paragraph length on each page, the adult reader might mistake this book for older children. However, it makes a great read-aloud book for the four-year-old crowd. The pictures by Michael J. DiMotta are filled with the action that Bekoff describes.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Curious About Human Nature
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Sneezeweed, or Heliums, is also called swamp sunflowers. Even though it is the green leaves that were often used to make snuff, sneezeweed certainly makes you think it is a plant any mischief-maker, young or old, would like to find. Does it really make you sneeze? One sniff and you will know.
I do not know if sneezeweed makes a cow sneeze. But if she eats it, her milk will sour. Horses and sheep can also eat too many of the poisonous powder heads with a fatal outcome.
The Menominee Indians of Wisconsin applied a compound of dried flowers to cuts on the temple to relieve a headache or sniff the snuff to cause sneezing to clear a stuffy head or to relieve a headache.
The Meswaki Indians of Iowa used an infusion made from the florets to help a gastrointestinal problem and the snuff for colds.
The Comanche used an infusion of the florets as a wash for a fever.
The poisonous sneezeweed is nothing to sneeze at! The plant’s poison that comes from a chemical compound called sesquiterpene is more potent when is flowering. It is this chemical that gives the plant its bitter taste. Ingesting it can cause some nasty results such as weakness, bloating, staggering, salivation and irregular pulse, spasms convulsions and death to name a few. Some people have been poisoned simple because some sneezeweed mixed with the harvested wheat.
Other well-known plants that also contain sesquiterpene are chrysanthemums, ragweed, sagebrush, and the sunflower.